Mason Pryor youngest son of legendary Richard Pryor has embarked upon the life quest of being a comic, actor and model following the inherited lead from his father he is destined to continue and put his own stamp on the entertainment world. This young energetic eager man has been doing stand up since after high school graduation. His career has met by a curiosity and excitement for young Pryor to be bold enough to pursue a legend. Mason does not disappoint his audience his look and voice tone along with boldness are so familiar.
Although it is an unsaid challenge to be touched by the comic bug when greatness or genius precedes you, Mason Pryor even in his youth is fearless and is humbled by is gifts. He awaits his turn up to bat.
"Original and very funny. See a lot of Richard in him."
"Mason Pryor has huge footsteps to follow in, but he’s on the right path."
- Danielle Hatch,Peoria Journal Star